4 Considerations for Buying Commercial Refrigeration

21 March 2023
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog


As a restaurant owner, you know that having the right kitchen equipment is essential in providing your patrons with quality dishes. However, when it comes to commercial refrigeration, there are a few factors you need to consider before making your purchase. Let's go over four things to look for to get the best out of your commercial refrigeration.

1. Ease of Maintenance 

Quality maintenance is necessary for any kitchen appliance but is especially important for commercial refrigeration. A good refrigerator should be easy to clean and maintain on a regular basis. Ensure you have access to all parts of the fridge so you can quickly and easily perform regular maintenance tasks such as cleaning coils or draining fluids.

2. Capacity

Make sure you choose a commercial refrigerator that meets your needs, both present and future. If your restaurant is constantly expanding and serving more customers, make sure that you buy a fridge with enough capacity to store all of your food items without overcrowding or wasting space. Additionally, purchasing an extra shelf or two can help increase capacity if needed later down the line.

3. Price vs Quality Balance

Take into account both the price and quality when deciding which model of refrigerator is right for your business. Don't just focus on one or the other. There are good quality machines available at reasonable prices, so do some research and compare models before settling on one that fits within your budget while still delivering high-quality performance and features for your business needs.

4. Energy Efficiency Rating

This may not seem like an important factor at first glance, but it can have a huge impact on your bottom line in the long run. Look for energy star ratings when choosing which model or type of commercial refrigerator to buy. This rating will indicate how much energy it consumes compared with similar models from other manufacturers, saving you money in power costs over time.


Purchasing commercial refrigeration kitchen equipment requires careful consideration because it is an investment that could prove beneficial or detrimental depending on which model you choose and how well it fits into your business plan. Hopefully, these four tips have helped equip you with some knowledge about what factors should play into deciding which refrigerator will work best with your restaurant's needs. If you would like further help or guidance, contact a commercial kitchen equipment supplier today. A member of the team will be happy to help you.